
SALLY DOHERTY - Black Is The Colour (reissue) | CD Please login to view the prices!
  SALLY DOHERTY - Black Is The Colour (reissue) 
label: Tiger Records ; April 2008 ; reissue mit bonustrack ; file: heavenly / traditional folk
Sally Doherty ist vielen noch aus ihren WORLD SERPENT Tagen bekannt , bzw. durch ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Tony Wakeford, L `Orchetre Noir, Matt Howden bzw. als Sängerin von SIEBEN

Reviews of Black is the Colour

“Anyone unfamiliar with Sheffield’s Sally Doherty and the Sumacs' music should suspend all expectations when approaching their new album. A collection of folk tunes from Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain, and Mexico .... One of the most beautiful cuts has to be ‘I Held My Love’—a purely vocal track in which Doherty’s solo vocal soars above a choir of her own multi-tracked voice. ...Dark and haunting ‘Black is the Colour’ is as absorbing as it is beautiful.”—Colin Hall, Get Rhythm, UK, 2002

“... With this CD Sally Doherty proves again that less is more (you won’t find any keyboards, synthesizers, or samplers here) and makes a precious gift to all lovers of stirring music and essential purity. My special recommendation.”—Andreas Diesel, Zinnober, Germany, 2002

“.... Sally’s crystal-clear-produced voice and the beautifully mixed instruments such as strings, flutes, piano and the percussion instruments speak for themselves. It might come along as being too quiet for a few people, but the intensity and atmosphere that Sally and her female accomplices reach here is admirable. .... I can only recommend that everyone themselves picture this wonderful music, that proves that one can also make folk music today that looks forward without needing to borrow from folkloristic music eras long left behind in order to impress.. 9 out of 10 possible points.”—Gernot Musch, Black Magazin, Germany, Spring 2002

““.... The highlight, however, of this reflective and melancholic set is the opening ‘Black is the Colour’. The simple beauty of this traditional song amply demonstrates Sally Doherty’s exquisite vocals and the musical prowess of the Sumacs. Without doubt Sally Doherty and the Sumacs are the most elegant artists on World Serpent.”—Tony Dickie, Compulsion Online webzine, 2002

TRACKLISTING: Black is the Colour • Los bilbilicos • I Held My Love • The Praities • The Selkie of Sule Skerry • My Lagan LoveLa llorona • Neither Fire Bright Nor Candle Light L’on dit q’amors est dolce chose • The Bonny Boy • Requiem Waltz • The Low Lowlands of Holland • Who Knows Where the time Goes

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