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MONDBLUT - Scorn | CD Please login to view the prices!
  MONDBLUT - Scorn 
Audio sample (MP3)
label: Dark Vinyl , 2004
6 jahre nach "Angsterfüllter Morgen" endlich ein neues Ritual Ambient Album. MONDBLUT arbeitet seit anfang 90/91 eng mit ORDO CATHARIS TEMPLI / Culturcreis TYR zusammen, und SCORN bewegt sich musikalisch vergleichbar in Richtung O.C.T. bzw. RUNES ORDER (1988-2002)..... BLACK Review : Wenn sensible Hände die lüsternen Saiten der Laute streicheln; wenn eine brücherne Stimme leise dein Ohr umgarnt; wenn elektronische Tasteninstrumente aus vergangener Zeit melancholische Weisen offenbaren; wenn mysteriöse Klangschnipsel dir wohlige Schauer über den Rücken bescheren; wenn seltsame Geräusche dich auf wundersame Weise verzaubern; wenn dich liebliche Klänge zum Verweilen auffordern und sinistre Bilder dir in den Sinn kommen - dann ist MONDBLUT-Zeit . Ich giesse mir noch ein Glas Rotwein ein, rauche eine Ziganov Cherry Zigarette und staune. Respekt . 10 Punkte (O.S.) BLACK magazin .

REVIEW FUNPROX , March 2004 : Mondbluts album "Angsterfülltes Morgen" on Ant-Zen (1997) was an instant classic. But then a long silence came... I suspect that Mondblut is rather perfectionistic, because the tracks on that debut were recorded between 1991 and 1996. Not so long ago there already was a sign of life with an album by side-project Hadit (Memento Mori, 2002).. But now, to my pleasant surprise, there is a second Mondblut album, and its wonderful ! For people who are familair with their debut "Scorn" is an almost seamless transition. Many of the characteristic elements are still there. The poetic, mysterious, ritual atmosphere, the spacious, subtle music, the hazy, half-spoken texts (sounding somewhat like Endraum) and sparse samples. Again this album is dedicated to the breaking-up of conventions and the aesthetics of sexuality and death, with various philosophic concepts lying underneath. But there is progress as well. The music also sounds more modern, with up-to-date sounds and rhythms and a very clear production. There is a very good variety between rhtyhmic, almost danceable songs and cinematic, tranquil pieces. The compositions are well-crafted and the tension is nicely build up. Listening to "Scorn" really is a fascinating and rewarding trip, with , and as my favourite tracks.

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